How to Insert a Clickable Email Address into a Web Page with BlueGriffon

Displaying an email address as a clickable link

How to Insert a Clickable Email Address into a Web Page with BlueGriffon

by Christopher Heng,

I was asked by a visitor how he could insert a clickable email address into his website using the BlueGriffon web editor. Such a link, when clicked, should theoretically start up that person's email software.

Important Things to Note

How to Make Your Email Address into a Clickable Link in BlueGriffon

  1. Start up BlueGriffon and open the web page in question.

  2. Select (ie, highlight) the text that you want to make into an email link. For example, you may have written "" on your page, and you want to make that address clickable. (In fact, the displayed text doesn't even have to be an email address, it can be even things like "click here to email me".)

    For those who don't know what I mean when I say "select the text", drag your mouse over the words so as to highlight them. This typically involves clicking your mouse's left button with the pointer positioned at the first character, then holding that button down while moving the mouse over the rest of the words, releasing the button only when all the relevant characters are highlighted.

  3. Click "Insert" from the menu bar and "Link" from the drop down menu that appears.

  4. In the "Links" dialog box that pops up, type the email address into the "Target" field.

  5. Click to put a tick in the checkbox for "This is an email address".

  6. Click the "OK" button.

After you do that, you will see that the text you selected is now a link. If you have not altered the appearance of links on your page, the words should now be underlined, and in blue.

To test it, you will need to open the page in a web browser. Hover your mouse over the link, and you should see something like "" (with your email address after the "mailto:" part) in the browser's status bar (usually found at the bottom of the browser). If you click it, the default action as defined by your browser and operating system will be taken. As noted above, this varies from browser to browser, and system to system, and may even be to ignore the click.

Copyright © 2018 Christopher Heng. All rights reserved.
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