How to Insert HTML Code in BlueGriffon

Guide to adding cut-and-paste HTML code into your web pages

How to Insert HTML Code in BlueGriffon

by Christopher Heng,

Although BlueGriffon is an editor that allows you to design a website without needing to mess with its underlying HTML, you may find that you occasionally want to insert copy-and-paste HTML code supplied by other sites (such as from's Feedback Form Wizard) into your web page. This article shows you how to do this.

Please note that this tutorial only deals with the specific task of inserting some HTML code into an existing page with BlueGriffon. If you haven't even created a website yet, you may find the main BlueGriffon Tutorial more relevant.

Steps to Inserting Cut-and-Paste HTML Code into Your Web Page

  1. Start up BlueGriffon and open the web page where you wish to insert the HTML code.

  2. Click the spot on the page where you want the code to be inserted. This will put your text cursor at the relevant portion of the web page.

  3. Click the "Source" button near the bottom of the BlueGriffon window. This should switch BlueGriffon to its source mode, where the underlying HTML for your page is displayed.

  4. Switch to the browser window and go to the web page that has the HTML code you want to copy. Highlight the code by dragging your mouse over it, click your right mouse button, and select the "Copy" line from the pop-up menu that appears.

  5. Switch back to BlueGriffon. Click "Edit" on the menu bar, followed by "Paste" in the drop-down menu that appears.

  6. The code that you copied from your web browser should immediately appear at the spot where your text cursor was positioned. Click the "Wysiwyg" button near the bottom of the BlueGriffon window to return you to the WYSIWYG ("What You See Is What You Get") mode. You should be able to see the results on your web page.

You can now proceed to save your work and publish it to your website.

Copyright © 2015-2017 Christopher Heng. All rights reserved.
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