Why is "Site Put" Disabled or Greyed Out in Dreamweaver?

How to Re-enable the "Site, Put" Menu in Dreamweaver

Why is "Site | Put" Disabled or Greyed Out in Dreamweaver?

by Christopher Heng, thesitewizard.com

Some webmasters, when trying to publish their website using Dreamweaver, have found the "Site Put" menu item to be disabled, or "greyed out" ("grayed out" if you use a different variant of English), preventing them from uploading their new web page. This article shows you how you can re-enable that menu item.

For those not familiar with the Dreamweaver web editor, the "Put" menu item is invoked by users to transfer web pages (or other files) from their own computers to their websites. If you're new to Dreamweaver, you may want to start with my main Dreamweaver tutorial as well as the How to Make / Create a Website: The Beginner's A-Z Guide instead of this article.


In general, those following my Dreamweaver tutorial series should not encounter the disabled "Put" menu item. If you do, it's probably because you have somehow skipped one or two of the required steps. (One visitor to thesitewizard.com mentioned that it occurred because he was working from memory instead of keeping the tutorial open in one window while carrying out the steps in Dreamweaver in another.)

Whatever the case may be, you have two alternatives. One is to return to the tutorial and redo the steps again, this time being careful not to miss out any steps. The other, and I think easier, way is to just use the checklist given below to figure out what you missed. It's probably faster, and you can always return to the main tutorial for details once you've figured out which step you skipped. (It saves you the trouble of having to redo everything.)

The General Principle Behind the Disabled Menu

Basically, Dreamweaver disables the "Put" menu item when you do not give it enough information so that it knows how to publish your web page. This is usually the result of one of two things:

  1. It Doesn't Know What You Want to "Put"

    It doesn't know what you want to publish. This means either that you don't have a web page open in Dreamweaver, or that you did not save your web page onto your hard disk first. It is also the result of saving your web page in the wrong place on your computer.

  2. It Doesn't Know Where You Want to Put Your Web Page

    It doesn't know where you want the page published to. This means that you did not set the necessary FTP information in Dreamweaver's Site Manager.

I've broken down these two basic principles into specific things to check in the section below.

Checklist for Solving the Disabled "Put" Menu Item

Check to ensure that you have done the following. If you need details about how to do any of the items, please read the full tutorial for clarification. The checklist below is just a quick diagnostic tool. It's not meant to replace the main tutorial.

Once you've done the missing step (or steps), the "Site | Put" menu should no longer be in grey or disabled, and you will be able to invoke it to publish your web page.

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