How to Insert Meta Tags to Your Site in Dreamweaver

Add meta description, title, robots, keywords, etc

How to Insert Meta Tags to Your Site in Dreamweaver

by Christopher Heng,

In my article on How to Use Meta Tags In Search Engine Promotion, I wrote about the usefulness of using certain meta tags on your website, particularly the Meta Description tag, which you can use to suggest a snippet of text that search engines can use to display in the search results, and the Meta Robots tag, which can be handy to control search engine robots behaviour on your web page. This tutorial describes how you can add such tags to your web pages using Dreamweaver.

Preliminary Matters

I will assume here that you already know how to use Dreamweaver to create your website. If this is not true, please see my tutorial on how to design your website with Dreamweaver. In fact, if you are completely new to creating websites, you should probably start with How to Design / Create a Website: The Beginner's A-Z Guide.

Another assumption I will make is that you know the text to include for the meta tags and what they are for. If your knowledge of this is shaky, please read my meta tags primer for the missing information. The page you are currently reading only deals with the practical steps of how to add meta tags to your website.

Adding Meta Tags with Dreamweaver

Adding meta tags with Dreamweaver is a fairly simple procedure, since the editor actually provides a built-in facility to do this.

In the paragraphs that follow, I shall use shorthand notations like "select 'Insert | HTML' from the menu". This means that you are to click the "Insert" menu in Dreamweaver, followed by the "HTML" item on the menu that appears.

That's it. The meta tags that you have added to your web page will not be visible on your page itself, although things like the title tag will be recognised by the web browser and displayed in its title bar.

Copyright © 2008-2013 by Christopher Heng. All rights reserved.
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